Ok so what do you call that concrete slab that is sometimes at the front of a parking space?
Becca and I ran over to the grocery store to get the salty snack for tomorrow nights Bible study. Before I got in the car I walked to the front of the car to make sure that there was not one of those concrete thingies there. When I got in the car she wondered what I was looking for. I started to tell her what I was looking for - but could not figure out what to call it. I was blank! Was it a blonde moment...hmm! As we were leaving the parking lot, I showed her what it was as I lamely tried to explain it - and asked her what it's called. She didn't know either. Hmmm! Are we both losing it?
Google here we come!
Looks like we were not the first to ask this question
the answer is not exact - it has many names
parking curb
parking stop
concrete bumper
wheel stop
So there you go - if you didn't know!
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