My husband comes to mind. He is very wise and just soaks information in like a sponge, he doesn't keep this to himself but shares, teaches and guides the people he is near. He has a particular gift of understanding the scriptures and has a talent in teaching and explaining them to be understood easily. When he opens the Word and starts sharing the passion for Christ just pours out of his soul. The clarity in explanations and discernment from the many truths blow me away at times. He has prayed for wisdom since he was a little boy - and the Lord has blessed him with it. He also has a gift for cooking, which he generously shares. He is my favorite cook in the whole world! He not only takes those ordinary dishes and makes them into something deliciously mouthwatering - for example tomato soup and grilled cheese - but also creates amazing gourmet meals too. He blessed family and friends with some of his cooking for Christmas. He often cooks for others to bless them with good eats and to use the talent the Lord has given him. He loves cooking and would love to own a restaurant one day.
Another person that comes to mind of someone who hasn't put there talents on the shelf is my brother. He is one of those guys that uses what he has to get the job done. The first thing that I thought of, was this silly little bike that he adjusted and tweaked to change into something he could use. He wanted something small that would fit in his trailer and not take up too much space. He saw his daughter's bike over in the corner, one that she had outgrown, not too long ago. His inventor mode kicked in and he went to work on molding it in to fit his current needs. He welded a pole to make the seat a little higher and another to adjust the handlebars, just a little effort and ingenuity created just what he had in mind. It is a silly little bike, but it took care of my brother's need. I can't even begin to tell you the things he has done and created using the talents God has given him. Some of them were just for fun and others helped to bring in extra money to provide for his family. He hasn't wasted his talents but has used them daily for gain as well as blessing those around him.

Another little thing he came up with...
I think of others around me too,who have not wasted their talents.
My son has A knack for math, science, and physics. It is second nature for him. He also has a sweet spirit one that loves to be helpful to others. He often uses his talents by tutoring or helping others understand the concepts they are struggling with. Becca has benefitted from her big brothers knowledge and great explanations. He is a terrific writer too. He has written a few short stories that are excellent. Who knows- he may be a famous author one day. He seems to also be following in his father's footsteps. He has a gift for deciphering the scriptures. When they both discuss the scriptures the energy and excitement gets anyone fired up and excited. We were discussing a verse in Proverbs not to long ago and Chucks analogy brought the verse to life - he nailed the meaning and made it clear for any who heard his explanation of the meaning. He has great talent in athletics too - when he trains and stays fit - he is an awesome talent in whatever sport he undertakes.
My daughter loves art, any kind of art. She not only loves it but has a talent for it too. She doesn't put it on the shelf but continues to work at it, getting better with each project she completes. I love to see each new thing she creates. She is so creative. God has blessed her with the an artistic eye. She has helped me to become a better photographer because I see the way she shoots. She has a unique perspective and captures the most amazing shots. Something that was so very simple, she has a knack to find and catch the beauty of it. She will position her camera in unusual angles knowing what the end result will be - very cool! Art stuff has been her request for gifts on birthdays and Christmas from the time she began to speak. One year she received colorful clay. I couldn't believe the items she sculpted. Each so detailed and accurate. One thing she gets from her Daddy is that lean toward perfection. They both have a knack for the detail and precision that perfects their talents. She loves to sing and has a beautiful voice. As shy as Becca can be - she does overcome it and has sung with choirs and even performed in the talent show at camp last year. Here are a few of her photos that I love...
I think about those at church with incredible voices and what a joy it is to hear them sing. I think about those great teachers who bring such education from their teaching and insights. I think about those that have a talent for praying. Dawn was an amazing prayer warrior. I always went to her to help pray for things because I knew she would use her talent for praying so effectively. I think of Collette and her beautiful creations. Some of the most thoughtful and creative cards have come by the efforts of her hands. She is also like her brother. She has an incredible passion for cooking. It is no wonder that I must have a "getting healthy" board on pinterest - I am surrounded by great cooks. I think of my sweet friend Cindy. She had a gift for kindness and thoughtfulness. She gave of herself in so many ways to bless all those around her. She was always thinking of a way to bless another. I think of those with a servants heart. My friend Julie is always smiling and always serving. She may be teaching, she may be cleaning, she may be driving a bus - and the passion is pouring out of her because she is using her talent. I think of those with the gift of finances - they can budget and are so wise in stretching the wealth God has given them. They love teaching others how to be good stewards and have trained others to use the material wealth God has provided. They have used their finances to bless those in need.
God provides us not only with "stuff," but also with talents. He wants us to use them to the best of our abilities. Once we discover our talent and use it - I believe we will be passionate about it. Be careful how you use them. Don't bury them. Don't hide them. Use them. God didn't give us talents to waste or put on the shelf. Work hard and bless others as much as you can. Don't let the talent become your god -like some that have become famous from their talent. Remember who gave you your talents and use them for Him. He has blessed you with it - don't ever forget it or take it for granted - or He may take it back.
Thank you Lord for our talents - please show us what they are - help us to use them because we don't want to lose them. Help us to use them for Your glory and to be a blessing to others. Amen!
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