Becca was on pinterest and came across an interesting fact.
She read that strawberries actually help whiten teeth!
Who would have thought?!?

- Strawberries contain malic acid, which acts as the primary stain remover. First grab a fork or another mashing utensil and smash the strawberry into a pulp.
- Then mix about a teaspoon of baking soda into the strawberry mash. Baking soda is also great at removing unwanted teeth stains from coffee, tea or smoking.
- Once the mixture is ready, it should be a light pinkish color. Use your toothbrush to apply some of the mixture to your teeth.
- Let it sit on your teeth for about five minutes, then rinse.
- Brush your teeth thoroughly with regular toothpaste. (Note: Many toothpastes use sugars to make the paste taste better. Try to find a paste with little or no sweeteners.)
- Floss to remove any strawberry seeds. Rinse again using hydrogen peroxide to kill off bacteria and also to whiten teeth some more.
- Finally rinse with water one more time.
Warning: Doing this process more than once a week is not recommended as it might erode tooth enamel.
Note: This whitening process does not work on dental repairs or dentures.
Recommended Toothpaste: Arm & Hammer® Extra Whitening
Here are a few more fun facts about stawberries!
- On average, there are 200 tiny seeds in every strawberry.
- If all the strawberries produced in California this year were laid berry to berry, they'd wrap around the world 15 times. That's enough strawberries to provide every U.S. household with 12 pint baskets.
- Eight medium-sized strawberries contain 140% of the U.S. RDA for Vitamin C. One cup of fresh strawberries provides about 88 milligrams of ascorbic acid.
- One cup of unsweetened strawberries has only 55 calories.
- In addition, strawberries are good sources of folic acid, potassium and fiber.
- Strawberries are also fat-free and low in calories.
- If you're expecting a baby, you'll be very interested in some of the new discoveries about folic acid. In fact, 8 strawberries have 20% of the folic acid you need every day.
- Fresh juice from sieved strawberry pulp has a cooling effect on feverish patients. For a cooling and purifying drink, either pour water on crushed berries or chop the berries roughly and whirl in a blender with a little water.
- As part of the 5-a-day program suggested by the American Cancer Institute, strawberries can also play a part in helping you to reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease.
- Strawberry juice combined with honey will reduce inflammation or sunburn. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the skin before rinsing off with warm water and lemon juice.
California Strawberries
- From the end of September through the end of October, strawberries are planted and harvesting occurs from mid- December through mid-July in Ventura County, CA, which produces more than 27 percent of the state's strawberries. The peak harvesting season in California runs from April through June, when up to 10 million pint baskets of strawberries are shipped daily.
- The largest producing state, California harvests 83% of the strawberries grown in the U.S. on approximately 24,500 acres. And with about 5,000 commercial acres, Florida is the second largest producing state. Ideal temperature for strawberry plants should not exceed higher than 78 degrees or lower than 55 degrees.
- Every strawberry plant is hand-picked approximately every three days. This is the time in which it takes for strawberries to complete their cycle of turning from green to white to red. There is no storage of fresh strawberries. After picking, they are rushed to coolers where huge fans extract the field heat. Then they are delivered to supermarkets across the country via refrigerated trucks.
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